Nice Weekend
How does one go about writing their thoughts down when I do everything to avoid mine. It’s not like they’re bad thoughts, it’s just that...
Be that Change
This all began on a whim, but as I got to thinking, this could be a very helpful process for me and anyone that is reading it. It’s a simple premise: I have had to shut my down my social work career (hopefully temporarily) due to a military mental health injury. As well, my own lineage has given me cormorbid conditions, so I’m basically defined by my diagnoses right now. This simple notion of being defined by your mental health conditions is one thing that I’ve stressed throughout my career; but, it’s different when you live and experience it as opposed to theoretically understanding it and preach it. There is a stark difference. This is my therapeutic journey. It’s been a very difficult 5 years for me, my mental health conditions began to blossom in 2019, four hospitalizations later, I’m finally feeling back to my educational self. One problem: I have crippling anxiety and bipolar 1, which means…. I have various other disorders that conjoin to my original diagnosis in a comordid fashion. The things that I once took an interest in are gone by the way side because of a knee injury and kneeedless to say, I cannot operate as I once did. But, if I can help one person in emotional distress, my job as a blogger is a complete mission. Be that change.
Always be logging
As you experience your own mental health journey, it is important to log and track habitual patterns like sleep, food intake, exercise, and dopamine release cycles. Where did you get your dopamine today? Also, how did you get it? Is it from scrolling, TV, friends, or some wild new thing. Is it good dopamine or bad dopamine?
Additionally, you want to track your sleep cycles, and attempt to understand the manifest and latent content of your dreams. The unconscious mind can run you into spirals if you let it. Disclaimer: dreams are messed up sometimes, sometimes they don't have a rhyme or a reason. Track your hours though and how you feel after your sleep.
You can either keep a log book or a mental text book.
Please advertise here, brand, or get your mental health/sleep/food/tracking devices advertised here.